An icebreaker construction began at the Onego Shipyard in Karelia
The solemn ceremony of laying the keel of the future vessel was attended by the Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin via video link and the Head of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov.
The start of the celebratory ceremony of laying the keel of the future vessel was given by the Prime Minister of the Government of the country Mikhail Mishustin. He deliberately connected in live mode from the forum “Transport of Russia” which was taking place in Moscow.
- Dear friends! I would like to thank you for your long-term professional activity. It is extremely important for Karelia, for shipbuilders. The laying of a shallow-draft icebreaker of a special class will help to pilot convoys of vessels, including those in the Volga-Caspian Canal! – Mikhail Mishustin addressed the employees of the enterprise. – I give the command to lay the keel!
The laying of the keel with a special plate installation was carried out by the representatives of two different generations of shipbuilders, the head of the production and dispatch department of the Onego Shipyard Alexander Zaretsky, who has been working at the plant since 1974, and the third-year student of Petrozavodsk Motor Transport Technical College Alexander Makeev, who is undergoing his apprenticeship within the framework of the federal project “Professionalitet”. They were joined by the Head of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov and the director of the plant Vladimir Mayzus.
- It’s great happiness to see so many ships being built simultaneously in the workshops. Today we are laying the keel of a unique technical structure. It is the first time such icebreakers are produced in Russia, - shared Artur Parfenchikov. – It’s great that today the plant is a part of the Rosmorport. Russia has thousands of kilometers of rivers, seas, lakes, and we understand that shipbuilding, navigation, and cargo transportation will be in serious demand in our country. I thank the plant management and the workforce. You are the “gold fund” of our Karelia! It is especially pleasant to see that our young fellow countrymen stand shoulder to shoulder next to the veterans. I am sure that the most beautiful, most modern, best and unique ships are yet to come!
The 22740M project shallow-draft icebreaker, which construction was launched today, is intended for operation in the Baltic, White, Azov, Caspian seas and on inland waterways, but if necessary, it is ready for work in other sea basins. The vessel will be used to provide winter navigation, caravans guiding, towing ships and other floating structures in ice conditions and in open water as well as to solve other tasks related to servicing port waters and infrastructure.
This class vessels can operate at the water temperatures from minus 2 to plus 30 degrees and the air temperatures from minus 40 to plus 34 degrees Celsius. The ship has a dining room, a sauna, a sports cabin, a laundry room for life and recreation of the crew of 12 people as well as the space to accommodate special personnel. The general designer is the St. Petersburg branch of AO “Central Design Bureau Lazurit”.
Let us recall that JSC “Onego Shipyard” is included in the federal list of the backbone enterprises of the Russian economy and implements several important investment projects in Karelia, including construction of a digital shipyard in Petrozavodsk on behalf of the Russian President Vladimir Putin.
- The contest for construction of two oil skimmers for the Far East ports took place today, and we won it! – shared the director of the Onego Shipyard Vladimir Mayzus. – These are the ships that we will build at the new plant facilities. The project will be developed using 3D models and digital technologies.