In June, Petrozavodsk will host the International Song Festival
It will be held in the capital of Karelia from the 11th to the 13th of June. Kirov Square will become the main stage.
The permanent and new participants of the International Song Festival are invited to take part in a large open-air musical event. They can be adult and youth choirs, amateur, academic and folk choirs, vocal ensembles from Karelia, other regions of Russia and from abroad.
It bears reminding that the International Song Festival is a nomadic event that changes its venue. It was first held in 1896 in Sortavala, where the holiday was also held in 2019. Then one and a half thousand participants gathered at the Song Field. They were choir performers from whole Karelia, from different regions of Russia and abroad.
The organizers voice the hope that international tension will not affect this great musical event, and are waiting for guests to come to Karelia from everywhere where art of singing is loved.
To participate in the International Song Festival, please send the application by April 15, 2022 to the email address marked "Song Festival" or fill in the application at
For all questions, please contact the Folk Art Department of the GBU RK "Center for Folk Art and Cultural Initiatives of the Republic of Karelia", tel. (8 8142) 55-95-00 (ext.-105 or 118), e-mail:
Photo by Vasily Chalykh